Sunday, January 24, 2010

i am not a duck

I realize that for those of you that know me even a little bit, know that I wear my heart on my figuratively sleeve. I have given up trying to hide my feelings, because lets be honest, it doesn't work anyway! It is part of my life to get razzed about stuff on a daily basis, and I typically let it roll off my back..after giving the razzer the desired dramatic reaction. Until there is this one day, when it just becomes too much and I yell. Akward moments in my life. I really try to hold it in, but there are those people in the world that can get under my skin, and I end up acting like a complete idiot. It happens, I know, but I still don't know how to control it. At work today they were talking about us nurses and who they like giving a hard time to, and well, it was very evident that they thoroughly enjoyed giving me crap because I am NOT a duck.

Friday, January 15, 2010

hey steve

Ok so the title has very little to do with the content of the post. I am simply quoting a very funny movie that I am watching, Multiplicity. I haven't really felt like posting any events or thoughts in the last little while. This is not a reflection of joy I experienced or the people that I spent time with. I thoroughly enjoyed spending time with my mom here in Orem, and on the 34 hours total we spent in the car rides to and from Texas. I loved seeing all my siblings, and my kids. Loved watching North South, and being able to spend time with Ry. I love you all. This however, is not the reason for the post...
I need to follow-up on the happenings with the dentist. So first after 2 1/2 weeks with the initial temporary crown, I went in for my permanent, and it was the wrong shade. So they had to rush order another one, and back on the temporary goes. On the 23rd of December I went in and got my very pretty permanent porcelain crown that was ALMOST worth all the pain and suffering I had been through. day when sure enough a corner of the crown chips off. SERIOUSLY!? I leave for texas because this dentist debacle is not ruining my time with my family. We return on Wednesday the 6th, I go in on the 7th for them to try to fix the crown, to no avail. It must be replaced. Drat. Here comes the numbing needles. I must interject that the dentist did such a better job getting me numb. And he pulls the crown, molds are made, and a new temporary is fashioned. Forward to about 6 hours later, eating a breadstick from The Pie (delish), and my temporary rips off, and is still in, but the cement is not holding. It is simply precariously jammed between my two teeth. Friday morning approaches and I get it fixed. No problem. Saturday afternoon, sitting in the movie theater watching "Leap Year" (good by the way) eating a kit kat, and yep, my temp crown comes loose. All weekend i make it through without losing it, by eating soup and ice cream. I was so worried it was going to come out at work, then what would I do?! Exactly. This is my front tooth. Monday afternoon, fixed with "better" cement. Good to go, right?! Nope. As it happens, this very evening my lovely temp crown comes loose AGAIN. When is my permanent supposed to come in? Jan 26th. A week and a half away. Is it the weekend? OF COURSE. Is my dentist open tomorrow? NO. So I have the number of a dentist who is, in the hopes that he can fix it tomorrow before I have to spend another weekend praying my tooth doesn't fall out. It might. No joke. Ugh. I hate the dentist. Not as a person, just this whole process has been horrible. Sorry Hilary. I am just really not enjoying myself. Late.