Monday, August 24, 2009

my adultness

I have recently moved into a house. Sure with three very awesome roomates (depsite rumblings of discord..things are going well) and I am very excited about it. I absolutely loathed the whole packing and moving business, but once that was done ( and by done I mean that everything is out of my old apartment..not necessarily put away here at the house..but still)I loved putting things up on the walls, organizing our 200 movies (in aphabetically order thanks to a slightly ocd roomate) and most of all..buying a bed and other bedroom furniture to put in my room.... ta da...

I feel very grown-up in this bedroom. Me. The girl who was NEVER going to finally embracing my adultness, and I pretty jazzed about it. least about my grown-up bedroom that is. I will say that although my bedroom very well could be an add for IKEA, I love it. And am going to try with everything I have to keep any messiness contained to the very large walk-in closet. I did perhaps gain some insight as to why the messiness might linger, and it is this, I am a perfectionist..sure maybe that seems not like me at all..but in school I have to get good grades..not that I want to..I have to. So it goes apparently with my bedroom..I wanted to cry when a friend came in and jumped in the middle of my nicely made bed (apparently channeling my mother here) and messed it up. I painstakingly hung things up so they would be in the middle of the space and had my level so things would be just so. I decided that it is easier to live with mess than to deal with that level of OCD/anxiety/anal/freakiness. That being said, I do like my room, and am going to make a concerted effort to keep it tidy. There..i blogged. With pictures. On with it. :)


katie said...

Very good. Is that a king or queen? Also, you seem very affluent. I would like to benefit from your generosity-I'm talkin tens and twenties, not your loving personality. Just so you know.

katie said...

Also, you need to try flylady. It will help you with your babysteps.

auntie said...

I for one am glad to not have to look at the hideous knee anymore. Good to hear from you at long last. Would be nice if you paid just a LITTLE more attention to me.

jrwillden said...

Katie--you beat me to it as I read your blog Kara I thought, "she needs flylady!"

So in case she didn't already give you the website here goes:

It rocks. Well, when you are following it. ;) Now go shine your sink.

Annie and Dan said...

Kara, I love your bedroom!!... when can I come and see it? How exciting you are in a house. I am actually very jealous, but obviously very excited! Do you want to do lunch next week? I would love to see you. Let me know what day works for you.