Sunday, September 6, 2009

"let not your hearts be troubled"

So some of you may know that this past week I took care of a lady at work that was raped, and that this experience sent me in to a tailspin of sorts. I was scared, literally scared. I bought a knife. Then because of some sound advice I bought pepper spray. Guess what? the irrational fear was still there. Ok, so I am not saying that being cautious is irrational, but the level of fear that I felt about the possiblity of it happening to me was pretty irrational. The point. The point is that I happened upon an epiphany that the thing I need to keep me from feeling afraid I already had in my possession. The holy ghost. I feel so much more at peace. Not to say that I won't keep the pepper spray handy (face it, I am a single gal and sould be safe) but I am not scared anymore. I feel a peace and calm that can only come from that great Comforter. John 14:27. Happy sunday!!


jrwillden said...

I'm glad to hear you have found some peace. I like the idea of pepper spray better than a knife. You are loved and missed...

auntie said...

I say a small deringer in your sock might be just the ticket.

katie said...

Let's hope you returned the knife-and not to pick...but any gal is a target. Rapists don't ask whether or not you are married before they conduct their business. So let us all be a little more cautious. And peace is good.

melissa said...

You are such a love ! It's a hard job to have sometimes, just be assured that you were there with her for a reason...... My love and prayers are with you always !!

Josh and Hil said...

that's sad about that women. I recommend pepper spray, my sister has one that goes on her keychain!