Sunday, January 24, 2010

i am not a duck

I realize that for those of you that know me even a little bit, know that I wear my heart on my figuratively sleeve. I have given up trying to hide my feelings, because lets be honest, it doesn't work anyway! It is part of my life to get razzed about stuff on a daily basis, and I typically let it roll off my back..after giving the razzer the desired dramatic reaction. Until there is this one day, when it just becomes too much and I yell. Akward moments in my life. I really try to hold it in, but there are those people in the world that can get under my skin, and I end up acting like a complete idiot. It happens, I know, but I still don't know how to control it. At work today they were talking about us nurses and who they like giving a hard time to, and well, it was very evident that they thoroughly enjoyed giving me crap because I am NOT a duck.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...
