I blog. I stalk everyone's facebook/blog. I read books. It is the blogging that I am here about. It has been neglected lately, and not because I lack the things to fill the blog, simply because I have been spending my time otherwise engaged. I love my life. I am dating an amazing, funny, caring guy who will in fact stay up all night talking to me on the phone because I am a night person and he knows I don't want him to go. He will also stay up all night to text me the minute I get off work (how did he know that I had just had one of the worst nights EVER?), basically it was adorable and it made me so happy. He is great. He was an unexpected addition to my life, not that I am complaining in ANY way. I welcome the changes that have come to my life since he has entered it (or re-entered...) Just so we are all clear, in case the message was lost in translation. I am in love. (why yes, he HAS bewitched me, body and soul.. :) ) Every day we take a new step and I am learning how to be in a relationship, and while I am not perfect at it, we are taking these steps together. I couldn't be happier (unless of course, we lived in the same state...). That's enough gushing for one blog I should think. :)
YAY that's so excited!! I loved being in the early dating stages with Josh it was always to most fun and sweet sweet love for each other.
I think a lunch is in order!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am so happy for you!
that's exciting Kara! :)he sounds perfect!
I love Kara all the time, but a gushing Kara is totally adorable.
what a joy it is to have you in our lives... I pray that this man and this relationship that you have is everything you ever wanted and more!
I am getting out my Austen and if that quote is only from the movie I am going to dismiss your entire sugary-sweet post. Bring me something more pure. Badly done indeed.
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