i am now a married lady. :) funny thing, I LOVE IT! (and i very very much love my adorable husband!). i expect that i will be starting a new blog dedicated to our new life together, but for now i will try to keep everyone updated. Rex and I got married on Tuesday March 30th if you didn't already have that information. We left Utah on Thursday and arrived back in TEXAS last night so I could be ready to start work today (and by ready, I mean showered and in clean scrubs that had to be found in the back of a very packed truck). I am very excited to start a new job and a new life with this wonderful man. He makes every day better for me and brings many many smiles to my face! Many of you have met him, and the rest of you will! So back to work I go, to experience the art of becoming a "new" employee in a place that i used to be familiar with, and be in charge of people and situations that used to be in charge of me. With Rex by my side and a roof over our heads (ok sure it is my parents' roof, but just go with it) I can tackle anything! Love you all! :)
I love it.... I am thrilled that you are home and loving being married, it is pretty awesome!!! I know you will do great at your new job.. this is what you are made for ..... making a difference in the lives that you touch.... Much love to you & Rex and your new life.. Uncle French & Aunt Missy xoxoxo oh yeah... there is another house to live it.....
I'm just glad to know that you got the shower in before you went to work.
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