Friday, September 19, 2008

ready..set..go I did not enter a race or anything..just really couldn't think of anything else that conveyed the excitiment..and trepidation I feel about the new journey I have embarked on. I joined a gym. Take a minute..catch your breath. I is not necessarily the first time this has occured..just the first time I have this kind of resolve. There is a force driving me that I have never had before. Not to say that I don't still feel like there is a chance I will fail. But now I have a secret weapon..her name is Annie..I cannot express how grateful I am that at this time in my life I am she can be by my side. See, for those of you who do not know..Annie is not only a great friend..she is a trained personal trainer. And she is helping me. She swears I am doing her a favor by allowing her to use her talents/training/education..but really and truly..she is helping me make a change in my life that I never had the courage for before (substitute courage for any number of words..motivation, determination, willpower..any of these also work). I have now gone to the gym for two consecutive days..and while getting up and going to work was slightly more difficult than it was before..I feel better mentally about myself. I have way more realistic goals than I have ever had previously, and I know that even though Annie will not be with me everytime I go to the gym (just for two wonderful weeks..the most important two my opinion)..I have her to support me. I also have the encouragement from all my family, my mom, my beloved sisters, my dad. This is such a big step for if you see me in the near future..give me a little push in that direction..because there is still a part of me that is scared that it isn't going to happen, that I am going to give up for some, as of yet, unseen reason.


Sarah said...

go kara! once annie's done with you then you can be my personal trainer!

good luck with your new goals!

xoxo --c. said...

Oh my goodness -- How coooooool is this?! Love your resolve and joyful determination. must have had a good effect on those Cougars yesterday -- 44-0 for the Wyoming game. Keep on cheering for yourself & our Cougars! Love you -- sis a.

auntie said...

You are the captain of your own ship. Keep a weather eye out for winds that might blow you off course. Venture out into the sea you've dreamed of, but know with a certainty is there.

Annie and Dan said...

Kara, you are so Sweet! I have been away from the blogging world too long and reading your post meant so much to me! I hope you know how proud I am of you and you have been doing such a great job! I look forward to going to the gym with you and I hope I can pass along enough knowledge to help you on your way!

Love You! See you tonight!