Tuesday, September 16, 2008

rise and shout

..the cougars are out..on the trail to fame and glory!! That is one line from the wonderful BYU cougar fight song that I had a chance to sing a record (for me anyway) 9 times at saturday's game (8 td, one fg). But I am jumping ahead here..there was more to it than just going to the game (isn't there always with me?) So I had to work Friday night, which was fine, didn't have to do much, but I was very tired when I woke up on Saturday at 12:30..with only an hour to get ready for the game..which shouldn't have been a big deal..except...the tickets that I have I kind of purchased underhandedly..(i know..shocking)..I had a friend of mine who is still a student buy an all-sports pass (really i bought it under her name and student ID)..and then she just emails me everything she gets from them. Also as a side-note we were told that with the student tickets this year you would have to show a student ID (which I thought was highly unlikely as there are thousands of people going to the games..and this would take and inordinate amount of time)..so I had a different friend who is graduated loan me her ID (we look nothing alike) because I could not find my old one. Anyhow..back to Saturday..I open the email the tickets are supposed to be in and it says that they were to come as and attachment..and there is no attachment..call the girl who emailed me..tell her they are not there..could she check to make sure she doesn't have another email with an attachment..no such luck. There were almost tears. And to top it off..even if I could get the email with attachment..the printer I recently purchased is not installed..and it is already 1pm. So I call the ticket office to find out which email address they are sending the tickets too..and call the girl back and we locate the tickets. Meanwhile I am stupidly trying to get my printer installed in a hurry so I can print them off..because in my mind I think that if I have to go to the office to do it..it will take forever (and this installation is not taking anytime at all?!!!) So it is now 1:30..kickoff. I am at home..email in hand (so to speak) making my way to the office to get it printed out. I live close enough to the stadium that I can hear the goings on. Without me. I finally get the ticket printed and begin the 10-15 min walk it is going to take to get to the stadium. I get there..finally..I have missed the first touchdown..and have to sit by myself..I don't mind..and by the way..they did not check the ID at the gate. As I look out on the field with the giant Y in the center..my breath catches..I am so excited to be back here. So excited. It was a little warm out..and because of the sun I got sunburned on half my face and one of my arms..but it was all worth it to see the cougs rout the bruins of ucla 59-0. Wonderful. Stayed for every second. Glorious day.

1 comment:

auntie said...

I am not sure if getting into the BYU games by unscrupulous means is appropriate. But it seems that all your hard efforts and tenacity paid off. Thanks for the stadium shot. (Tuey showed me.)Nice to be living your life with you and to be thought of at these moments.