Sunday, July 6, 2008

i did what?

I have had a pretty busy and might I add random weekend. First on thursday night, my complex put on Independence Day out in the grassy area on a huge projector..I don't even really like that movie..but what else was I going to do. So I had to tell you that to tell you this, I ran into some guys from my ward who invited me to go float the river the next day, and in my memory that was tons of fun so I readily accepted. So the 4th comes around, and I go to wal-mart to buy an inner tube (as all the tire stores where one would buy a proper tube, are closed it being a holiday and all) I buy a tube that seems to be sufficient (and was)..and get ready to have a rockin time. I also bought various items that might be present at a bbq, as it was mentioned previously that we might have one after floating. So on my way to the guys apartment, I meet up with some friends that are not doing anything, so I invite them along, they said they would come but didn't have any kind of floatation device. We decide that they can use the rafts that you lay out on in pools (just as a side note, the last time I floated the river was 4 years ago, and the river has changed alot). We begin to float down, the water is frigid, and shortly after we start there is a bridge that for some reason unbeknownest to us is rather treacherous. It throws both the girls on the rafts (yeah brillant idea, right??) off and one of them is stuck under the current in some kind of whirlpool or something and is not coming up, I try to help, but the current is too strong and continues to propel me down the river, so I start yelling at the guys (who were behind us for this very reason). The girl thankfully surfaced shortly thereafter, just as the boys reached the bridge, and also got pummeled a bit. So moving down the river the two girls who got thrown get out as they are quite shaken, and understandably so. At this point there are two people in front of my and four behind me, yet as the near frozen river continues to swiftly move, I lose sight of everyone in either direction. I want to cry ( again with the threatened tears, I know), and want to get out so badly, but what can you do, its a freaking river, you just have to ride it. So as I now am traversing the river all alone, I meet these random group of people who catch up with me, and I get them to promise that they will help me when it is time to get off. I make it to the end after a few more trials, and more near panic attacks, and no one I know is there. So I wait, for what seems like for-ev-er (really 20 min) and finally everyone (minus the 2 girls who abandoned the journey) get out, and we all meet up and compare stories, and bond over the fact that our feet were so cold that when getting out and being then dependent on walking, it didn't quite work out, and crawling for a bit seemed much easier. We made it back to Provo a short time later, and find a hot tub to invade as we are all frozen to the core, then have a fun bbq, and walk up to the stadium to see the fireworks (where we HEAR miley cyrus performing, exciting huh??)..much to my delight the fireworks were AWESOME, as we were so close they seemed to be falling on us, and though it was exceptionally loud, it was so fun. To round off the weekend, in short, I had another bbq, played sand volleyball for 3 hours, watched emperor's new groove with lots of people from my ward (only in provo), and presented myself and boys that I floated the river with in front of the ward in song form (to the tune of part of your world), went to a crepe party and played scene it with people (and was one of few that knew the answers as most of the movies asked about were rated the bad letter). Busy weekend. Fun though. Now I can look forward to a week of studying, and then working nights in the ER. Keep me in your thoughts (and possibly prayers).


auntie said...

This comment will probably not publish on your blog, so this is what you get. You sound like you are having lots of fun in Utah and I hope you like it there. I wish to see you again and it was refreshing to talk to you on the phone. Thanks for the "tech help" and I will try to improve our pathetic little blog.

xoxo --c. said...

Kara: Your river experience was amazing -- YOU CAN DO HARD & SCARY THINGS!!! Received your wonderful card & note today -- thanx! Praying for you & your Boards on the 11th -- phewf! You'll do just fine. Keep doing all the fun & new stuff you're invited to do -- God's blessing you tons & tons, as you know. Loves & squeezes....sis a.

xoxo --c. said...

It's Wednesday -- Got to be w/ your mom today in the Temple. I love seeing her there! (I like her new hairs w/ brown streaks thru it, too.) Thinking of you & your boards...cheering you on.
Ta Ta! Sister A.

Janice said...

Amazing G!!! Maybe floating that river was a sign that although times may be tough, you will survive doing what you are doing and will be stronger and smarter because of it. I freakin miss you!!!!

auntie said...

Hi Kara it sounds like you are having a good time in Utah, Sean said to me this morning that you could get Nathan to put things away. What is your secret? Your Boards are coming up Huh, but don't be worried because we all know you can do it. Any way your 4th puts shame to what I did. Go to the park to hear Danny sing, go to Kathy’s to eat and then watch fireworks that went every 5 minutes. You’d get 5 minutes of them and then have to wait 5 more. I think it was because of fire’s that’s what Donnie told me. Any way rafting would scare me to death. I think it is because I am afraid of like snakes or Crawdads in the water. Ugh it gives me the shivers to wade through the ditch at Kathy's so I would not do it. See ya later

Love ya

auntie said...

That was Mary Kate B.T.W.